Saturday, December 30
love is patient,love is kind.1 corinthians 13:4Jesus, is this what im getting?i want to believe so,an unselfish love.a love that considers each and everyone around them.not one that makes one more superior than the other to appeal more.not one that degrade a brother to win.a love that spares a thought for others around them other than for the couple itself only.because the ones affected would not only be them alone.oh how i wish,wish upon a star.
drummer princess departed20:20
Wednesday, December 27
okay. so after dinner at mos burger with me having clam chowder soup and unagi rice burger while wanling had minestrone soup with mos chicken, we went to wash our hands. spastically.yixin: eh, your money on the table.wanling: eh eh. your camera and phone. on the table!yixin: OH YAH HOR!!![yixin chiongs back. laughing spastically. and reddened :/] WAHA!wanling was thirsty so we went off for some sweettalk only to find them closing already. so no sweettalk for wanling! aww. ): so sad. drink with you next time! haha.yeah and so we proceeded to YAKUN kaya toast to get some drink. SO DUMB! we ordered drink and MORE than half the drinks that appeared on the menu were not for sale. as in they dont sell it there. :/yixin: you dont sell it?cashier: yahyixin: then why is it on the board?cashier: uhhyixin: print wrongly.cashier (laughing): yah. ha ha.:/wanling, hidden behind the counter, LAUGHED LIKE MAD.ANYWAY, we bought ice milo in the end and laughed away... hot milo in the plastic cup and then add ice. POISONOUS! should just add the ice into the metal cup swirl around abit then pour into the cup. the end of the spasticated episode of a boring day.too dead... we turned mad.
drummer princess departed01:11
Tuesday, December 26
drummer princess departed23:52
what a sucky day leading to a hilarious end.died laughing-FIRST.i woke up feeling lousy.not knowing what to do for that day.when im at the com i feel like studying.when im studying i feel like using the com.when im back at the com im just staring into the screen for dont know how long.lunch time. lormee with mom.not bad. i became her mom.she kept going to the com to play her online games and i kept nagging at her to get back to the dining table to finish her food.ooh. look at me the matured mom. MM-THEN.
okay. in the end i really couldnt stand it and it was already 1pm. so i messaged wanling and she just woke up. arranged and met at her bus stop at 145pm. we were on our way to harbour front when we remembered that wanling was having tuition later that day so for convenience sake we went to tbp to have lunch (yixin) and do tuition homework (wanling). i ate till 5pm. ooh powerful. i think ive contacted cynthia's disease. hahaha. kidding. i have to eat faster man. like seriously. haha.anyway i was like entertaining my self while she did math. and occasionally helping her lah. (: see i feel useful. hmm. anyway, after she was gone i attempted to study chem. what the beautiful flowers lah. i couldnt even understand the first question to atoms, molecules and stoichiometry already. i skipped and went on to atomic structure. out of 4 questions i did i got 3 wrong. my God i really feel lousy. like rusty and old and rejected. :/SO.i went on to play games on wanling's phone. well. her high score were like super high she must have been like super focused or something. hmm. after playing for awhile my eyes got tired. i looked up and saw an angel man! haha kidding. saw SIHUI!!! haha like oh man. so long... though we havent been close. i really look up to her man. like yeah. disciplined yet fun. yeah said hi and she went off with her bf for lunch (or maybe snack) haha. i went back to playing. and got bored. and started drawing. ooh. fun lah. love drawing.

Friday, December 15
drummer princess departed14:27
Wednesday, December 13
more from charisooh love (:always love to hear from charisregarding time.
compared to my friends i don't spend as much time in my work cos i'm doing things in the house of God or taking my lunch with my cg friends talking about God. and to the human mind that means that my work won't be as well done as theirs.
but in God's thinking, He's blessing my time with my friends as we talk about the things of God or doing the things of God back to my studies in quality (thank God not quantity! haha)
in expecting.
the world says "don't expect too much"
but my Abba says "expect all you want. ask all you want and i will give it to you and MORE"
even in relationships.
people say "if i don't say yes to going into this relationship with him, he'll leave me and i may not be able to find one so good"
God's way: just relax and enjoy the freedom in single-ness. when the time is right, i'll bring that one that is better and more than whatever you can ask me for or desire.
how about rest?
people say you have to work work work. don't rest or else u break momentum.
God says rest. work from rest.
in A*s and everything else
to earn big bucks to have a big house and a good life, you have to excel and be the best
my Daddy says even if you're the last i can make you the first.
to everything you have
keep it all keep it tight in case you lose it
for me. give it to Daddy. He will take care of it. like His favour (over me) lasts a lifetime. His giftings and callings are irrevocable. and i don't have to take care or worry about it. and whoever who has! more will be given!
is God good or is God good? yes i agree with you (like u had a choice). i love that God says that He will prove it to you(me) and open his heavens over you(me). just enjoy it man!
i've got more but not for now. gotta get back to my proj! anw i know it's not really anything new. but most importantly to me it's fresh. :) so just wanted to share it.
be blessed! ~~
drummer princess departed10:50
read this from Charis's blog. ooh.reminder for me!let's talk about tithing.
it feels crazy. to give 10 percent of your money to God. if you earn $3000, that's $300! imagine the number of things i can buy!! and in the natural it feels like you're minus-ing.
but God says if you give me 10 percent, test me (God) in this (let me prove it to you!) - that I (God) will pour down blessings that you cannot contain. that's multiplication!
also in the world "it feels better to receive than to give". but when you bless people in the God-way, you yourself are blessed.yes its true that it feels like im minus-ing. but no matter what happens, i just know that in fact im being blessed. whatever ive given, is a blessing to the church and thanksgiving to Him for doing so much in my life. even if i dont get it back (which will never happen cos for He loves me, all things that i want shall not be held from me) its ok, cos i'll never be able to repay Him for sacrificing so much for me.ooh. love is in the air! sniff it (:
Saturday, December 9
hey shawn. there... this is my love (:
i look like a guy right? haha.
drummer princess departed08:45
God who gives the increase.give thanks (:
Friday, December 8
i love you.
drummer princess departed18:40
Wednesday, December 6
at perth :
totally in love with my new purple basketball :D
see how happy we are with the basketball?? :Dwe exchanged it with tokens won at the arcade ((:
drummer princess departed11:04
Monday, December 4
my life is being sucked out by you. i hate you! i never felt any worse with any friend. i tried to tolerate time and again. its just not possible for me to try to be nice when i know i dont want to. its just too hypocritical. and i cant stop hating you more and more ): even though i dont want to. :/ i feel like crying lah. you hurt me too badly. and i just didnt say. BAHH! i want to bite you off and away- :/
drummer princess departed21:49